“Understanding Insomnia: A Common yet Overlooked Menopause Symptom”
Sleep Difficulty: An Overlooked Symptom of Menopause
Introduction: Unravelling the Night-time Mystery
Menopause, a natural stage in every woman’s life can be accompanied with a plethora of symptoms. One such often overlooked symptom is sleep difficulty or insomnia. As per the recent findings, the prevalence of sleep issues among menopausal and post-menopausal women is alarmingly high. Evidence from sources like https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article/32/4/491/2454376?searchresult=1 and https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article-pdf/32/4/491/7657445/sleep-32-4-491.pdf helps us untangle this intricate relationship between menopause and sleep problems.
Relation Between Menopause and Sleep Difficulty
Research indicates that sleep difficulty, including insomnia, is more prevalent during the transition phase to menopause. Hormonal fluctuations, hot flushes, mood disorders and aging contribute to the sleep disturbance. The reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone increase the risk of developing sleeping disorders.
Symptoms of Sleep Difficulty
The symptoms include difficulty in falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, waking up too early, and poor sleep quality. Many women also experience daytime sleepiness and lack of concentration due to poor sleep, which can significantly impact their daily routine and quality of life.
Consequences of Poor Sleep
Poor sleep deteriorates overall health and well-being. Prolonged sleep issues can lead to mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Lack of sleep has also been linked to increased risk of cardiac diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.
Conclusion: Time To Address The Problem
It’s imperative to recognize and address this pervasive issue of sleep difficulty during menopause. Women need to be aware about this invisible enemy and should seek appropriate help. Understanding and managing these sleep issues can lead to a drastic improvement in women’s quality of life, during and after menopause.
For a detailed understanding of the topic, you can access the following research – Sleep Difficulty and Menopause